We help with the basic water supply for the hospitality industry. We ensure that clients are aware of the presence of substances in water that do not look good like iron.
Bacteriological, arsenic, nitrates.
We want to ensure that conditions are good for both the water supply and the waste water.
Because this is dealt with on a case-by-case basis, we would encourage you to call to inquire.
Water Systems Management
This industry includes: mutual systems, and municipal systems.
Testing applications
Monitoring wells for other companies they are maintaining for customers.
Bacteriological, arsenic, nitrates, and epa testing.
Pump/Well Companies
The pump and well companies deal with the water supply for their various clients.
There have been requests for Chromium 6 testing. Clients will call us and ask for a bottle and instructions on how to collect. The state sends out a monitoring schedule that we can work on with the clients to complete all tests necessary.
Bacteriological, arsenic, nitrates, irrigation well set
We ensure water suitability for the agricultural industries.
Testing applications
Farmers need to make sure there isn’t too much boron in the water because it browns plants. Too much minerals in the water can cause sprinkler problems.
Irrigation well set, boron.
Wineries, Breweries and Distilleries
This industry includes: small/large wineries, breweries, and distilleries. We want to ensure that the water supply and water waste is taken care of.
Testing applications
Water Supply Treatment & Testing
Owners of wineries/breweries/distilleries will want to run a bacteriological test for the water supply.
Irrigation Testing
For Wineries in particular, continuous water testing for the presence of unwanted bacteria, unanticipated ph levels as well as the correct levels of nitrogen and phosphorous.
Bacteriological, TSS, pH, Nitrogen panel
This industry includes: municipal, country, state, and federal.
Bacteriological, arsenic, nitrates, pollution tests, waste water analysis, biological oxygen demand.
This industry includes: homeowners, renters, and real estate agents.Bacteriological testing every six months for residential.
We want to ensure the safety of residential water supply from wells and water systems.
Testing applications
Annual Testing
Bacteriological testing every six months for residential. We want to ensure the safety of residential water supply from wells and water systems.
New Homeowner
Moving into a new home you should always run an initial check of well water and septic.
Selling a Home
When selling your home you should always run a standard series of well water and septic tests in an effort to avoid any unseen issues during the closing process.
Bacteriological, arsenic, nitrates, drinking water well set, irrigation well set